should extend moratoriums on home foreclosures to all states, including
Michigan, rather than just those states with judicially supervised
· Lenders that have initiated moratoriums
should insure that they actually prevent foreclosures rather than just
evictions subsequent to foreclosures.
· The Federal
Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
thereby controlling a major portion of mortgages subject to foreclosure
in the U.S., should review its procedures for proper compliance and
also consider initiating a foreclosure moratorium
At the
same time, Conyers announced plans to investigate mortgage lenders to
learn more about their foreclosure practices, including paperwork
violations and false affidavits, and ascertain what can be done to
protect homeowners from possible abuses. As part of this effort,
Conyers is asking the Federal Housing Finance Agency – the federal
agency charged with overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – to ensure
that they abide by the law, to consider initiating a moratorium, and to
conduct an audit of their actions. In addition, Conyers will be calling
upon the DOJ’s Executive Office for U.S. Trustees to investigate the
extent to which false affidavits have been filed in bankruptcy cases by
lenders seeking to foreclose on debtor’s homes.
Thus far, only
three lenders – Ally Financial (parent of GMAC Mortgage), Bank of
America, and JP Morgan Chase – have ceased post-foreclosure enforcement
actions in 23 states that have court- controlled foreclosure
proceedings: Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Even those
lenders appear to have only ceased evictions, while they continue to
engage in foreclosures, which take title from homeowners.
At this
point Michigan and 26 other states are not on the moratorium list for
these lenders, purportedly because they have a non-judicial foreclosure
process. However, without judicial oversight, the possibility of abuse
can be even greater in these states. As a result, elected state
officials in non-judicial foreclosure states such as California,
Colorado, Texas, Massachusetts, and Maryland have recently asked lenders
to suspend their foreclosures.
Widespread concern about
documentation abuses in the mortgage industry is not limited to state
officials. Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of
the California congressional delegation called on the Justice
Department, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve to
investigate large mortgage lenders’ handling of delinquent mortgages,
mortgage modifications, and foreclosures. Additionally, Senators Robert
Menendez (NJ) and Al Franken (MN) called on the Government
Accountability Office to investigate the role of federal government
entities charged with overseeing the mortgage lending industry to
determine how they allowed lenders’ misconduct to occur without
detection for so long. Also, Members of Congress from Maryland and
Arizona – two non-judicial foreclosure states - called on large lenders
to halt foreclosures in their states.
“It makes little sense to
limit the moratoriums to judicial foreclosure states when many of the
same errors and paperwork flaws likely plague non-foreclosure states,”
said Conyers. “When the very same lenders that ignored the rules which
helped get us into the real estate bubble are placed in charge of the
foreclosures that are exacerbating the problem, locking millions of
Americans in a financial trap they cannot escape from, we have a
situation that is spiraling out of control and cries out for
“Given the depth of the financial calamity in
Michigan and other states, the huge number of foreclosures, and the
chain reaction of problems involving foreclosures that has impacted
communities and individuals, I would urge home mortgage lenders to cease
their foreclosure activities,” said Conyers. “Rather than spending
their time running mass production foreclosure mills, the lenders should
be working with individuals to keep families in their homes and
restructure their loans.”
“Home foreclosures affect individual
families and devastate entire communities,” said Congresswoman
Kilpatrick. “For home foreclosures to proceed under false pretenses is
patently unwarranted and unfair. I am proud to join one of the founders
of the CBC and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in this
clarion call for justice, fairness, and equality to Michiganders and all
Asymmetrical Warfare in the Mill Wars Based on UCC Practice II
I'd like to discuss the private and public battlefields where the Mill wars are taking place and present the “controlled opposition” Mills that are rarely presented in the MSM. Filing a UCC 1 Financing Statement is the primary and legal way to claim yourself as the CREDITOR of the DEBTOR corporate fiction. It gives the filer a legal standing to manage his own commercial affairs.
It is your job to read UCC Article 9 thoroughly, which governs the statutes in filing a UCC 1 Financing Statement. Let the UCC statutes and the Black’s Law Dictionary be your guides.
For my first article on the Mill wars, read Asymmetrical Warfare in the Mill Wars Based on UCC Practice at
Synopsis of Part I
All debt-notes are borrowed into existence. If no one (living individual) walked into the bank and signed as an accommodation party, not one bank loan would be made. The bank is the physical place where money is created, but it is a fiction and cannot do anything on its own.
The typical description of how banks operation hides a slight of hand.
1. An individual walks into the bank and signs an application (which means to beg under the law). He becomes a debtor.
2. He sells the promissory note to the bank.
UCC Section 9-102 Definitions
(28) "Debtor" means:
(B) a seller of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or promissory notes; or
3. The bank gives him debt-notes (a promise to pay). The debt-notes are placed on the debit side of the ledger.
"Then, bankers discovered that they could make loans merely by giving their promises to pay, or bank notes, to borrowers."
Modern Money Mechanics
4. What do banks receive when they make a loan?
"What they do when they make loans is accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers' transaction accounts."
Modern Money Mechanics
5. Due to double entry accounting, the bank receives credit in the borrower's transaction account. This is the credit side of the ledger to balance the debit. The Federal Reserve credits the borrower's account to make the bank's balance sheet whole. The credit comes from the borrower's exemption account maintained at the Treasury.
The borrower creates the money and discharges the debt through his own accounts. Then, the loan becomes an asset to the bank. The bank gave no consideration, but the borrower is supposed to pay back his own credit plus interest.
This is called OPM (Other People’s Money), and the banks are hooked on it.
Private and Public Battle Fields
The bankers and lawyers are not twiddling their thumbs. This economic crisis has spearheaded an all out war to strip the American people of their homes and assets. This is the private sphere in which the war is being playing out. People are being foreclosed because they don’t understand the Uniform Commercial Code that enforces the mortgage contracts unless the DEBTOR is able to rebut the presumption that the mortgage loan contract is valid.
In an Equity court only paper speaks. Since two corporations are battling it out, the corporation that continues to produce supporting documents wins. The claims and defenses brought to the court by the homeowner or borrower must not only support a valid claim, but they must also fall under the color of law.
For example, the defendant would argue that the loan was a fraudulent contract, having uncovered the misrepresentation of the mortgage loan contract. The defendant would argue that the foreclosure was fraudulent, because it did not adhere to legal requirements of assignment.
However, with knowledge of the debt-based monetary system--that paper is paper--that a paper loan must be discharged with paper, the DEBTOR accepts for value the banks claim and returns it for discharge, settlement, and closure of the account.
It is the DEBTOR’s duty, and he feels it is his duty, to discharge the debt of the contract by “paying” off the mortgage loan with a negotiable instrument drawn on the exemption (credit) account at the US Treasury. The defendant discharges the debt by filing a UCC 1 form, and then sending the three pieces of paper and the SF5510 form to the Treasury and the bank. Technically, the Affidavits that show a discharge of debt are truth in fact in the courtroom.
Duty plays a big role in the Common Law and the UCC. A duty is considered a higher degree of integrity than a “right.” You may have a right, but you have a DUTY to uphold your end of the contract. This duty is a belief in oneself, and therefore a colorable action for the court. (Lawyers please attack me here. Your input may clarify these statements even better. I’m swimming in the concept of a colorable action in defense of a claim.)
At the public level, US government has passed or is trying to pass crimpling legislation that reaches directly into the pockets of the taxpayers. The Cap and Trade legislation was shot down after scandal hit regarding the accuracy of the scientific data supporting global warming. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) of 2008 bailed out the banks to the tune of $700 Billion. The Patient Protection and Affordability Act of March 2010 and the follow on bill HR4872 are medical reform bills written by the lobbyists of the medical insurance and pharmaceutical industries. They will add heavy liabilities to the American people. As of this writing 10/24/2010, the national debt clock shows $122,324 owed by every US Income Tax payer.
The gamesmanship on the part of the government to pile up the Public Debt in all of its components, whether it is the trade deficit or entitlements, is a direct taxation on the American people. Without our knowledge (since none of the bills were ever read by our congressmen) and consent, the US government is stripping the wealth of taxpayers for many generations to come in the public sphere as well.
This public drubbing is the direct result of our adhesion contracts. In this case, the birth certificate is a receipt evidencing a debt. The US Treasury sold the birth certificate to the Federal Reserve in return for a sum of “money.” The Federal Reserve has a purchase money security interest in the bond. The social security number is the property of the US government. It is another adhesion contract. Through this number, our labor is pledged as the surety and guarantor of the debt-based monetary system and the balance sheet of the US government. The assumption that you are the surety and guarantor of the US government is enforceable, unless you rebut the assumption.
The preceding paragraphs describe the public battlefield where the Mill wars are very evident. There is another aspect of the Mill wars that is less talked about. It’s the “controlled opposition,” the unscrupulous businesses that are ostensibly helping the Man on the Land regain his rights as a Sovereign and as a free man. About twenty or thirty years ago and parallel with the banker activity, new social movements were established like the Freeman in Montana, the Tax protester movement, and the Redemption movement. The basic premise of each group is that the government is stealing our money. People are barred from their natural right to live in the Common Law, and they are being subjugated to cash confiscatory statutes that enrich the cities, states, and Federal governments, in addition to companies such as banks, utility companies, insurance, and hospitals and so on, who are driving up costs and extracting exorbitant fees.
The Redemption and Freeman Mills are all over the internet. You can buy a redemption manual for about $120. However, the controlled opposition mills are intended to bring people into dishonor. It is a trap just like all the mortgage loans. Their purpose is twofold.
First, the Controlled Opposition Mills validate people’s anger against the fraudulent government and businesses. They provide an outlet for disinformation that people are willing to dump their money into. It’s a business whose sole purpose is to fill the customer with BS about Redemption or the Uniform Commercial Code and hang him out to dry.
Second, the Controlled Opposition Mills create a whole new source of violators of the currency or taxing laws. They create more felons out of unsuspecting debtors. If you look into the prison industry, you know well that the Corrections Corporation of America is making profits and expanding. They are directly plugged into the exemption account of each debtor. Every month they get “paid” large sums of money to keep prisoners, who themselves are maintained in deplorable conditions. The redemption mills are truly a nightmare. On one freedom site, the UCC 1 Financing Statement form is so severely truncated that if you used it, you would be registering yourself as a debtor for the rest of your life. The entire section for the CREDITOR does not appear.
The manuals themselves are filled with truth, half-truth, and outright lies. They are designed to strip you of “money” and leave you in a prison cell. If you don’t read the Uniform Commercial Code directly yourself, you will not be able to see the truth floating in a stream of garbage.
The first step is to comprehend the meaning of a corporate fiction. What is it? You have been responsible for it your entire life, and you’ve tried to “pay” your debts like an honest man in the Common Law. The corporate fiction is a Ces qui te Trust created for you. It is represented by your name in all capital letters. Your birth certificate has another date on it besides your birthday under Date accepted for Registration. That is the day the Ces qui te Trust was created. My birth certificate is a bit older. It has a stamp on the side indicating a date two days after my birthday. The all caps name is defined from Black’s Law Dictionary below:
Capitis Diminutio Maxima Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition
The highest and most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
There should be no dismay remaining as to why our government, bankers, and major corporations take advantage of our pocket books, pass punishing legislation, take over the instruction of our children, impose health directives (like mandatory flu immunizations), and so on. Out of lack of awareness, we’ve neglected to attend to the law and have unwittingly volunteered our property and bodies to a governing agency.
I’ve been challenged many times to prove the existence of the US Treasury Exemption (credit) account. Is it really so hard to imagine that the US Treasury exemption (credit) account is the credit side matching the debit side of the social security account? In any accounting system, there’s always a matching debit/credit account. Imagine that we still lived in a money system backed by intrinsic value of gold and silver. If this were the case, all the money we deposited in the Social Security account is a debit—extra money that is held by the Social Security Administration for us. Consequently, the credit side would be the liabilities that the government pays out in social security or disability payments to us.
However, when we look at the debt-based monetary system, the debit side is our liabilities—the debt-notes piled up from being deposited to the Social Security account. The credit side corresponds to all the credit we have created as accommodating/accommodation parties (the signatures we have sold to the banks) and which has been withheld from us since Day 1.
The research shows that the US Treasury exemption account is indexed by the same number as the social security account, but without the dashes. Through structural symmetry and accounting principles of debit/credit, we know the US Treasury account exists. It also explains why we are so broke. The Federal Reserve as the receiver of the US government has been withholding our credit that represents the physical and mental labor that we have exerted in the economy.
This is a debt war going on. So far the people are on the ropes.
ABC <b>News</b> airs big exposé on BMW N54 engine problems, lawsuits [w <b>...</b>
ABC News investigates BMW fuel pump problems – Click above to watch video after the jump ABC News has cottoned on to the story that BMW.
Tree crushes miner to death at Mahdia - Stabroek <b>News</b> - Guyana
The life of a 49-year old miner was yesterday afternoon snuffed out after a tree fell on him while he was working at a mining area at Mahdia in Region 8.
Sad <b>news</b> for the New York baseball world
You probably didn't know Bill Shannon, but if you did, you would have liked him a lot. Bill died tragically on Tuesday morning, the victim of a fire in his New Jersey home. He was 69. Bill was the senior...
bench craft company complaints
bench craft company complaints
ABC <b>News</b> airs big exposé on BMW N54 engine problems, lawsuits [w <b>...</b>
ABC News investigates BMW fuel pump problems – Click above to watch video after the jump ABC News has cottoned on to the story that BMW.
Tree crushes miner to death at Mahdia - Stabroek <b>News</b> - Guyana
The life of a 49-year old miner was yesterday afternoon snuffed out after a tree fell on him while he was working at a mining area at Mahdia in Region 8.
Sad <b>news</b> for the New York baseball world
You probably didn't know Bill Shannon, but if you did, you would have liked him a lot. Bill died tragically on Tuesday morning, the victim of a fire in his New Jersey home. He was 69. Bill was the senior...
bench craft company complaints bench craft company complaints
· Lenders
should extend moratoriums on home foreclosures to all states, including
Michigan, rather than just those states with judicially supervised
· Lenders that have initiated moratoriums
should insure that they actually prevent foreclosures rather than just
evictions subsequent to foreclosures.
· The Federal
Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
thereby controlling a major portion of mortgages subject to foreclosure
in the U.S., should review its procedures for proper compliance and
also consider initiating a foreclosure moratorium
At the
same time, Conyers announced plans to investigate mortgage lenders to
learn more about their foreclosure practices, including paperwork
violations and false affidavits, and ascertain what can be done to
protect homeowners from possible abuses. As part of this effort,
Conyers is asking the Federal Housing Finance Agency – the federal
agency charged with overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – to ensure
that they abide by the law, to consider initiating a moratorium, and to
conduct an audit of their actions. In addition, Conyers will be calling
upon the DOJ’s Executive Office for U.S. Trustees to investigate the
extent to which false affidavits have been filed in bankruptcy cases by
lenders seeking to foreclose on debtor’s homes.
Thus far, only
three lenders – Ally Financial (parent of GMAC Mortgage), Bank of
America, and JP Morgan Chase – have ceased post-foreclosure enforcement
actions in 23 states that have court- controlled foreclosure
proceedings: Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Even those
lenders appear to have only ceased evictions, while they continue to
engage in foreclosures, which take title from homeowners.
At this
point Michigan and 26 other states are not on the moratorium list for
these lenders, purportedly because they have a non-judicial foreclosure
process. However, without judicial oversight, the possibility of abuse
can be even greater in these states. As a result, elected state
officials in non-judicial foreclosure states such as California,
Colorado, Texas, Massachusetts, and Maryland have recently asked lenders
to suspend their foreclosures.
Widespread concern about
documentation abuses in the mortgage industry is not limited to state
officials. Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of
the California congressional delegation called on the Justice
Department, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve to
investigate large mortgage lenders’ handling of delinquent mortgages,
mortgage modifications, and foreclosures. Additionally, Senators Robert
Menendez (NJ) and Al Franken (MN) called on the Government
Accountability Office to investigate the role of federal government
entities charged with overseeing the mortgage lending industry to
determine how they allowed lenders’ misconduct to occur without
detection for so long. Also, Members of Congress from Maryland and
Arizona – two non-judicial foreclosure states - called on large lenders
to halt foreclosures in their states.
“It makes little sense to
limit the moratoriums to judicial foreclosure states when many of the
same errors and paperwork flaws likely plague non-foreclosure states,”
said Conyers. “When the very same lenders that ignored the rules which
helped get us into the real estate bubble are placed in charge of the
foreclosures that are exacerbating the problem, locking millions of
Americans in a financial trap they cannot escape from, we have a
situation that is spiraling out of control and cries out for
“Given the depth of the financial calamity in
Michigan and other states, the huge number of foreclosures, and the
chain reaction of problems involving foreclosures that has impacted
communities and individuals, I would urge home mortgage lenders to cease
their foreclosure activities,” said Conyers. “Rather than spending
their time running mass production foreclosure mills, the lenders should
be working with individuals to keep families in their homes and
restructure their loans.”
“Home foreclosures affect individual
families and devastate entire communities,” said Congresswoman
Kilpatrick. “For home foreclosures to proceed under false pretenses is
patently unwarranted and unfair. I am proud to join one of the founders
of the CBC and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in this
clarion call for justice, fairness, and equality to Michiganders and all
Asymmetrical Warfare in the Mill Wars Based on UCC Practice II
I'd like to discuss the private and public battlefields where the Mill wars are taking place and present the “controlled opposition” Mills that are rarely presented in the MSM. Filing a UCC 1 Financing Statement is the primary and legal way to claim yourself as the CREDITOR of the DEBTOR corporate fiction. It gives the filer a legal standing to manage his own commercial affairs.
It is your job to read UCC Article 9 thoroughly, which governs the statutes in filing a UCC 1 Financing Statement. Let the UCC statutes and the Black’s Law Dictionary be your guides.
For my first article on the Mill wars, read Asymmetrical Warfare in the Mill Wars Based on UCC Practice at
Synopsis of Part I
All debt-notes are borrowed into existence. If no one (living individual) walked into the bank and signed as an accommodation party, not one bank loan would be made. The bank is the physical place where money is created, but it is a fiction and cannot do anything on its own.
The typical description of how banks operation hides a slight of hand.
1. An individual walks into the bank and signs an application (which means to beg under the law). He becomes a debtor.
2. He sells the promissory note to the bank.
UCC Section 9-102 Definitions
(28) "Debtor" means:
(B) a seller of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or promissory notes; or
3. The bank gives him debt-notes (a promise to pay). The debt-notes are placed on the debit side of the ledger.
"Then, bankers discovered that they could make loans merely by giving their promises to pay, or bank notes, to borrowers."
Modern Money Mechanics
4. What do banks receive when they make a loan?
"What they do when they make loans is accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers' transaction accounts."
Modern Money Mechanics
5. Due to double entry accounting, the bank receives credit in the borrower's transaction account. This is the credit side of the ledger to balance the debit. The Federal Reserve credits the borrower's account to make the bank's balance sheet whole. The credit comes from the borrower's exemption account maintained at the Treasury.
The borrower creates the money and discharges the debt through his own accounts. Then, the loan becomes an asset to the bank. The bank gave no consideration, but the borrower is supposed to pay back his own credit plus interest.
This is called OPM (Other People’s Money), and the banks are hooked on it.
Private and Public Battle Fields
The bankers and lawyers are not twiddling their thumbs. This economic crisis has spearheaded an all out war to strip the American people of their homes and assets. This is the private sphere in which the war is being playing out. People are being foreclosed because they don’t understand the Uniform Commercial Code that enforces the mortgage contracts unless the DEBTOR is able to rebut the presumption that the mortgage loan contract is valid.
In an Equity court only paper speaks. Since two corporations are battling it out, the corporation that continues to produce supporting documents wins. The claims and defenses brought to the court by the homeowner or borrower must not only support a valid claim, but they must also fall under the color of law.
For example, the defendant would argue that the loan was a fraudulent contract, having uncovered the misrepresentation of the mortgage loan contract. The defendant would argue that the foreclosure was fraudulent, because it did not adhere to legal requirements of assignment.
However, with knowledge of the debt-based monetary system--that paper is paper--that a paper loan must be discharged with paper, the DEBTOR accepts for value the banks claim and returns it for discharge, settlement, and closure of the account.
It is the DEBTOR’s duty, and he feels it is his duty, to discharge the debt of the contract by “paying” off the mortgage loan with a negotiable instrument drawn on the exemption (credit) account at the US Treasury. The defendant discharges the debt by filing a UCC 1 form, and then sending the three pieces of paper and the SF5510 form to the Treasury and the bank. Technically, the Affidavits that show a discharge of debt are truth in fact in the courtroom.
Duty plays a big role in the Common Law and the UCC. A duty is considered a higher degree of integrity than a “right.” You may have a right, but you have a DUTY to uphold your end of the contract. This duty is a belief in oneself, and therefore a colorable action for the court. (Lawyers please attack me here. Your input may clarify these statements even better. I’m swimming in the concept of a colorable action in defense of a claim.)
At the public level, US government has passed or is trying to pass crimpling legislation that reaches directly into the pockets of the taxpayers. The Cap and Trade legislation was shot down after scandal hit regarding the accuracy of the scientific data supporting global warming. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) of 2008 bailed out the banks to the tune of $700 Billion. The Patient Protection and Affordability Act of March 2010 and the follow on bill HR4872 are medical reform bills written by the lobbyists of the medical insurance and pharmaceutical industries. They will add heavy liabilities to the American people. As of this writing 10/24/2010, the national debt clock shows $122,324 owed by every US Income Tax payer.
The gamesmanship on the part of the government to pile up the Public Debt in all of its components, whether it is the trade deficit or entitlements, is a direct taxation on the American people. Without our knowledge (since none of the bills were ever read by our congressmen) and consent, the US government is stripping the wealth of taxpayers for many generations to come in the public sphere as well.
This public drubbing is the direct result of our adhesion contracts. In this case, the birth certificate is a receipt evidencing a debt. The US Treasury sold the birth certificate to the Federal Reserve in return for a sum of “money.” The Federal Reserve has a purchase money security interest in the bond. The social security number is the property of the US government. It is another adhesion contract. Through this number, our labor is pledged as the surety and guarantor of the debt-based monetary system and the balance sheet of the US government. The assumption that you are the surety and guarantor of the US government is enforceable, unless you rebut the assumption.
The preceding paragraphs describe the public battlefield where the Mill wars are very evident. There is another aspect of the Mill wars that is less talked about. It’s the “controlled opposition,” the unscrupulous businesses that are ostensibly helping the Man on the Land regain his rights as a Sovereign and as a free man. About twenty or thirty years ago and parallel with the banker activity, new social movements were established like the Freeman in Montana, the Tax protester movement, and the Redemption movement. The basic premise of each group is that the government is stealing our money. People are barred from their natural right to live in the Common Law, and they are being subjugated to cash confiscatory statutes that enrich the cities, states, and Federal governments, in addition to companies such as banks, utility companies, insurance, and hospitals and so on, who are driving up costs and extracting exorbitant fees.
The Redemption and Freeman Mills are all over the internet. You can buy a redemption manual for about $120. However, the controlled opposition mills are intended to bring people into dishonor. It is a trap just like all the mortgage loans. Their purpose is twofold.
First, the Controlled Opposition Mills validate people’s anger against the fraudulent government and businesses. They provide an outlet for disinformation that people are willing to dump their money into. It’s a business whose sole purpose is to fill the customer with BS about Redemption or the Uniform Commercial Code and hang him out to dry.
Second, the Controlled Opposition Mills create a whole new source of violators of the currency or taxing laws. They create more felons out of unsuspecting debtors. If you look into the prison industry, you know well that the Corrections Corporation of America is making profits and expanding. They are directly plugged into the exemption account of each debtor. Every month they get “paid” large sums of money to keep prisoners, who themselves are maintained in deplorable conditions. The redemption mills are truly a nightmare. On one freedom site, the UCC 1 Financing Statement form is so severely truncated that if you used it, you would be registering yourself as a debtor for the rest of your life. The entire section for the CREDITOR does not appear.
The manuals themselves are filled with truth, half-truth, and outright lies. They are designed to strip you of “money” and leave you in a prison cell. If you don’t read the Uniform Commercial Code directly yourself, you will not be able to see the truth floating in a stream of garbage.
The first step is to comprehend the meaning of a corporate fiction. What is it? You have been responsible for it your entire life, and you’ve tried to “pay” your debts like an honest man in the Common Law. The corporate fiction is a Ces qui te Trust created for you. It is represented by your name in all capital letters. Your birth certificate has another date on it besides your birthday under Date accepted for Registration. That is the day the Ces qui te Trust was created. My birth certificate is a bit older. It has a stamp on the side indicating a date two days after my birthday. The all caps name is defined from Black’s Law Dictionary below:
Capitis Diminutio Maxima Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition
The highest and most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
There should be no dismay remaining as to why our government, bankers, and major corporations take advantage of our pocket books, pass punishing legislation, take over the instruction of our children, impose health directives (like mandatory flu immunizations), and so on. Out of lack of awareness, we’ve neglected to attend to the law and have unwittingly volunteered our property and bodies to a governing agency.
I’ve been challenged many times to prove the existence of the US Treasury Exemption (credit) account. Is it really so hard to imagine that the US Treasury exemption (credit) account is the credit side matching the debit side of the social security account? In any accounting system, there’s always a matching debit/credit account. Imagine that we still lived in a money system backed by intrinsic value of gold and silver. If this were the case, all the money we deposited in the Social Security account is a debit—extra money that is held by the Social Security Administration for us. Consequently, the credit side would be the liabilities that the government pays out in social security or disability payments to us.
However, when we look at the debt-based monetary system, the debit side is our liabilities—the debt-notes piled up from being deposited to the Social Security account. The credit side corresponds to all the credit we have created as accommodating/accommodation parties (the signatures we have sold to the banks) and which has been withheld from us since Day 1.
The research shows that the US Treasury exemption account is indexed by the same number as the social security account, but without the dashes. Through structural symmetry and accounting principles of debit/credit, we know the US Treasury account exists. It also explains why we are so broke. The Federal Reserve as the receiver of the US government has been withholding our credit that represents the physical and mental labor that we have exerted in the economy.
This is a debt war going on. So far the people are on the ropes.
bench craft company complaints
ABC <b>News</b> airs big exposé on BMW N54 engine problems, lawsuits [w <b>...</b>
ABC News investigates BMW fuel pump problems – Click above to watch video after the jump ABC News has cottoned on to the story that BMW.
Tree crushes miner to death at Mahdia - Stabroek <b>News</b> - Guyana
The life of a 49-year old miner was yesterday afternoon snuffed out after a tree fell on him while he was working at a mining area at Mahdia in Region 8.
Sad <b>news</b> for the New York baseball world
You probably didn't know Bill Shannon, but if you did, you would have liked him a lot. Bill died tragically on Tuesday morning, the victim of a fire in his New Jersey home. He was 69. Bill was the senior...
bench craft company complaints bench craft company complaints
ABC <b>News</b> airs big exposé on BMW N54 engine problems, lawsuits [w <b>...</b>
ABC News investigates BMW fuel pump problems – Click above to watch video after the jump ABC News has cottoned on to the story that BMW.
Tree crushes miner to death at Mahdia - Stabroek <b>News</b> - Guyana
The life of a 49-year old miner was yesterday afternoon snuffed out after a tree fell on him while he was working at a mining area at Mahdia in Region 8.
Sad <b>news</b> for the New York baseball world
You probably didn't know Bill Shannon, but if you did, you would have liked him a lot. Bill died tragically on Tuesday morning, the victim of a fire in his New Jersey home. He was 69. Bill was the senior...
bench craft company complaints bench craft company complaints
ABC <b>News</b> airs big exposé on BMW N54 engine problems, lawsuits [w <b>...</b>
ABC News investigates BMW fuel pump problems – Click above to watch video after the jump ABC News has cottoned on to the story that BMW.
Tree crushes miner to death at Mahdia - Stabroek <b>News</b> - Guyana
The life of a 49-year old miner was yesterday afternoon snuffed out after a tree fell on him while he was working at a mining area at Mahdia in Region 8.
Sad <b>news</b> for the New York baseball world
You probably didn't know Bill Shannon, but if you did, you would have liked him a lot. Bill died tragically on Tuesday morning, the victim of a fire in his New Jersey home. He was 69. Bill was the senior...
bench craft company complaints bench craft company complaints